
We tell stories to make sense of the world!

Forever and always Published: March 30, 2023 Category: General I don’t know whether there is something about being very close to the end of my third pregnancy, but it has got me feeling all reflective. It’s most likely that the end of one life stage and the start of a new approaching is the perfect opportunity for me to actually think a little deeper and try to process some emotions. How will I move forward with the new baby approaching? What have I learnt and what do I want to change for the year ahead? I haven’t written a blog
The brightest light Published: November 21, 2021 Category: GeneralI feel as if I haven’t written a blog for a while and I’m starting to feel the need to process some emotions again. It’s been a big year for us. I wish I had written more about my pregnancy. It’s such a unique time when you are expecting a baby and this time around, being pregnant after loss, in amongst a Covid lockdown and being told to shield, I feel as if I could have written an essay on it. There are two things I will say though about this time.Firstly,
Lost Published: May 10, 2021 Category: GeneralThis blog post is entitled lost because this is the closest word that we can think of to describe the way we have been feeling lately.We are approaching the day we dread every year. Another marker on the calendar, another reminder of the passing of time. This year marks two years since we last saw and held Ivy.I will never understand how time can feel both to have flown by and dragged simultaneously. How we can feel that our arms have been empty for so long that we almost can’t remember what that role
Siblings Published: February 17, 2021 Category: GeneralThese past few weeks I have been emotionally all over the place. And if I’m being honest with you, which I know I should be, I’m so tired!I had been doing okay. Honestly. Working from home, long morning walks, zoom calls with friends and family and I’d been happy, content and positive. Keeping myself busy was good, I was on top of everything at work and home.And then out of the blue I felt really ill. Dizzy, lightheaded and vague. I felt as if I wasn’t attached to my body and I stopped working
The year of rainbows Published: December 31, 2020 Category: General2020 will always be the year of rainbows for me. Rainbows filled our windows and our hearts as it became the symbol for the NHS workers during the first national lockdown. It seemed like a good choice too. Rainbows occur when sunshine appears after rain and there was something quite beautiful and poetic about that. A reminder that the NHS staff were the ray of hope, keeping the nation going, amongst the dark storm that COVID brought.Of course, rainbows have been used for many thousands of years as a symbol for

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